
CaBa Industrie ad EIMA 2021

Pubblicato il: 21/09/2021
Dopo un’attesa di quasi un anno legata alla pandemia, diversi rinvii e cambi in corso d’opera, CaBa Industrie è lieta di annunciare la propria partecipazione alla prossima edizione di EIMA, che si terrà a Bologna dal 19 al 23 ottobre 2021. La partecipazione di CaBa Industrie alla rassegna fieristica bolognese rappresenta ormai per l’azienda un...
Following and completing its participation to World AG Expo 2021, CaBa Industrie is going to present its top-range product Lotti IT 115 during the Italian Demo Day on April 20th, 2021. CaBa Industrie is based in Faenza (Italy) and produces a high variety of agricultural machines for orchards and vineyards such as in-row cultivators, trimmers...

World AG Expo 2021

Pubblicato il: 03/02/2021
CaBa Industrie is approaching the American market in order to let its products be known even outside Europe and help farmers in their transition to organic farming. The company manufactures durable machines, whose purpose is to provide a high quality and biological agriculture, especially for in-row cultivation, pruning, spraying and harvesting. With this aim, the decision to participate to World...

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CaBa Industrie s.r.l.
C.F. e P. IVA: IT 02097470393


Via Urbania, 26
48018 Faenza (RA), Italy
Tel. (+39) 0546 665108

© 2020 CaBa Industrie s.r.l.