Thinning operations

Thinning operations

Thinning is made in orchards in order to obtain bigger and riper fruits, concentrating the plant’s energies where they are needed. It can be done mechanically, chemically or manually.

Mechanical thinning is the ideal solution to prevent that chemical agents pollute the environment and keep efficiency and speed at the same time, both essential in today’s farming.

Darwin flower thinner, mountable on Lotti CT 60 allows you to carry out this operation on flowers, during spring, without damaging the trees thanks to its flexible wires.

The fruit thinner mountable on our CT 80 – latest news on Lotti product range – enables to fulfill the thinning on unripe fruits, thanks to its numerous nylon brushes, without damaging the trees during the work.

Machines for thinning

To do thinning operations you can use following tools

DW200 - DW250 - DW300Darwin flower thinner

DRF250 - DRF300Fruit thinner

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